Monday, March 9, 2009

Unemployment is a good thing and Unemployment is a bad thing.

Unemployment is a good thing. Unemployment is a bad thing. By now everyone in the United States knows at least two or three people who are out of work and filing for unemployment benefits, two or three people who are looking for work and at least one or two people who are wondering it they still have a job when tomorrow comes. For those who are unemployed and have filed for unemployment insurance, now is the time to reevaluate what you really want to do and what you absolutely have to do in order to survive. For those who are looking for work, in spite of your state's unemployment rate, what about creating work for yourself by pursuing that which interests you most? For those of you still working, don't become an unemployment statistic, why not look at what you are doing and figure out a way to do it more efficiently that saves you time and energy, and who knows, someone at your workplace might even find you worthy of hanging around a little longer afterward.

These are the best of times for those looking for work and have the benefit of unemployment extension, because the fear is just the beginning and the satisfying that fear is just what’s needed sometimes when you’re back is against the wall. All those things you dreamed of doing while you still had employment, now you can go off and do them. Why wait until you have poor health to do what you really want to do. If, you wait until you have enough money to do what you always wanted to do, maybe you can do what you really want to on a less grandeur scale, but still get to do it.

These are the worst of times, if you are still looking for work and haven’t found it with someone else yet. Don’t fret though, because you can still work for yourself. At what you may ask? Heck, we all understand the cause of unemployment, but surely there is something that you enjoy doing more than anything else, but until now, you really had no time to explore it. Well, now is time to do what you’ve always wanted to do and while you’re doing it, make it personal. You know, put your heart and soul into it. Don’t worry about failing or anything like that, get started and before you know it, you’ve got some traction and things are going well for you, or Not! You’ve got to try or you’ll spend the rest of life wondering what if scenarios.

These are the worst of all times if you’re still working, because if you haven’t noticed anyone in your company who has been transferred, demoted or outright let go, then you are one of the lucky few. It might be a good idea to know where your local unemployment office is, just in case you don't plan to file for unemployment online. Nonetheless, you are lucky because just as the air we breathe touches everyone who wishes to live, so too does the knowledge of recognizing that there is a problem in the economy and no matter what Washington and Congress does, after all the dust has settled, the folks who are in Washington and Congress don’t have to worry about their paychecks bouncing. I suspect we will have about two more years of economic uncertainty and if we aren’t careful, we stand as Americans to lose a full ten years of little if any of economic growth, just like our buddies Japan did back in the late 1980’s and 1990’s. If, you’re into economic stuff, just Google, “Japan’s Lost Decade,” and you’ll notice that it is like “déjàvu” with America’s current economic policy. So, for those of you who are still employed, more than a few of you won’t be for long—not my wishes, just the economic reality of life here in America now. Never stop learning, never stop thinking about your future and that of your children’s, because after all, last time I check, I still work for my children and they are swell employers! Until next time, stay sane.

PS, A picture of a BMW with abnormal tire where. Is this a sign of the times?

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